The Bridge on the River Choluteca-Prakash Iyer

Have you heard of the Choluteca Bridge? I hadn’t either, until not so long ago. It’s a 484-metre-long bridge over the river Choluteca in Honduras, in Central America. A region notorious for storms and hurricanes. So when they decided to build a new bridge over river...

Learning In The New age-Mukesh Sharma

How can my actions so far away from the Arctic, affect the polar bear? What are my water footprints? How may I ensure I save my civilization? Will every role model be a personality or a celebrity? These are a few examples of questions; students ask and wonder about in...

Lending The Way To Growth 5 Trillion GDP -Srinath Sridharan

India is the fifth-largest economy in the world, with GDP of $2.94 trillion in 2019 (IMF’s World Economic Outlook). The US, China, Japan and Germany are larger economies than India. It already is the third largest, behind China and the US, when economic size is...